![]() | System Reference Document v3.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Epic MonstersA-Z IndexABOMINATIONBUILDING ABOMINATIONSAbominations are a grouping of the outsider type in the same way that demons are a grouping of the outsider type. The accompanying table indicates the average values an abomination of a given size might have for its basic physical scores. Abominations also share several other characteristics.
Abomination TraitsAll abominations are born directly (or indirectly) from a god and some lesser creature (or idea), but none are favored, wanted, or loved. Still, they all share a tiny spark of deific energy, which grants them the qualities described in below. (Note: deity rules are used, abominations are rank 0 deities.) Immunities (Ex): Abominations are immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any form-altering attack. They are not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. They are immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), and are immune to one of five energy types (specific to the abomination). Resistances (Ex): Abominations have fire resistance 20, cold resistance 20, and damage reduction of at least 10/epic (certain abominations have higher damage reduction). Abominations all have significant spell resistance. Abominations resist detection, and are all treated as if affected by a nondetection spell of a caster level equal to the abomination’s HD. Special Qualities (Ex): All abominations have the spell-like ability to use true seeing at will. Abominations are not subject to death from massive damage, and they have maximum hit points per Hit Die. Abominations have the blindsight extraordinary ability to a range of 500 feet. Abominations can choose both nonepic and epic feats as part of their feat selection. Telepathy (Su): Abominations can communicate telepathically with any creature within 1,000 feet that has a language. Summon Creature (Sp): Abominations can summon creatures associated either with the portfolio of their godly progenitor or with their imprisonment. Summoned creatures serve the abomination without question. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour, or sooner if slain. See specific abomination entries for additional details on summoning. Fast Healing and Regeneration: Most abominations have some measure of fast healing and regeneration, ranging from 5 to 55 for both abilities. Usually, higher HD abominations have higher values for fast healing and regeneration, though this not always the case. If an abomination has regeneration, it is usually subject to normal damage from at least two sources, one of which is the antithesis for their subtype, and the other of which is somehow tied to some unique feature of the abomination. Natural Armor: All abominations have some degree of natural armor bonus ranging from +10 to +100. Usually, higher HD abominations have higher natural armor bonuses, but this is not always the case. Spell-Like Abilities: All abominations have access to a variety of spells in the form of spell-like abilities, which they can use as 20th-or higher-level casters, depending on the abomination. No rule governs how many or how few spell-like abilities an abomination may claim. Unique Abilities: All abominations have at least one or more unique abilities tied to their godly parent’s portfolio, or to the manner of their incarceration. Spell Resistance: As a general rule of thumb, abominations have spell resistance equal to their CR +12. ANAXIMHit Dice: 38d10 (420 hp) An anaxim’s natural weapons are treated as epic and lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATSonic Blast (Ex): As a standard action, an anaxim can emit a 60-foot cone of sonic energy that deals 20d6 points of sonic damage to all creatures that fail a Reflex save (DC 29); those that succeed take half damage. Rend (Ex): If the anaxim hits with both spinning blades, it slices particularly well. This attack automatically deals an additional 4d6+18 points of damage. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 22nd. The save DCs are Charisma-based. At will - greater dispel magic, displacement (DC 18), greater invisibility (DC 19), ethereal jaunt. Summon Iron Golem (Sp): An anaxim can summon an iron golem up to four times per day. Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; fire resistance 20; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. Construct Traits: Immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. Cannot heal damage (though regeneration and fast healing still apply, if present). Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Not at risk of death from massive damage, but destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less; cannot be raised or resurrected. Darkvision 60 ft. ATROPAL![]() Hit Dice: 66d12 (792 hp) An atropal’s natural weapons are treated as epic, evil, and lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATSpell-Like Abilities: Caster level 30th; save DC 26 + spell level. The save DCs are Charisma-based At will - animate dead, blasphemy, create greater undead, create undead, cone of cold, desecrate, greater dispel magic, finger of death, greater invisibility, plane shift, slay living, speak with dead, spectral hand, greater teleport, unholy aura; 5/day - haste, project image, weird. Rebuke/Command Undead (Su): Atropals can rebuke or command undead as a cleric with a level equal to the atropal’s HD + 6. Negative Energy Aura (Su): A 30-foot-radius spread negative energy aura spreads from each atropal. All undead in the field (including the atropal) are treated as if having turn resistance +20 and a negative energy version of fast healing 20. Living creatures in the aura are treated as having ten negative levels unless they have some sort of negative energy protection or protection from evil. Creatures with 10 or fewer HD or levels perish (and, at the atropal’s option, rise as spectres under the atropal’s command 1 minute later). Constitution Drain (Su): When the atropal hits a living opponent with a touch attack, the opponent takes 5 points of permanent Constitution drain, or 10 points on a critical hit. The atropal heals 20 points of damage, or 40 points on a critical hit, whenever it drains Constitution, gaining any excess as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last a maximum of 1 hour. The attack allows a Fortitude save (DC 59). The DC is Charisma-based. Energy Drain (Su): When the atropal hits with a ranged touch attack (a ray of darkness that it shoots from one eye to a range of 400 feet), the resultant energy drain bestows four negative levels, or eight negative levels on a critical hit. For each negative level bestowed on an opponent, the atropal heals 10 points of damage, or 20 on a critical hit, gaining any excess as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last a maximum of 1 hour. After 24 hours have passed, the afflicted opponent must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 59) for each negative level. If successful, the negative level goes away with no harm to the creature; otherwise, the creature’s level decreases by one. The DC is Charisma-based. Regeneration (Ex): Atropals take normal damage from good weapons or sentient weapons (or otherwise living weapons). Summon Nightcrawler (Sp): Five times per day an atropal can summon a nightcrawler. Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; fire resistance 20; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. Undead Traits: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death, effects, necromantic effects, mind-affecting effects, and any effect requiring a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Negative energy heals. Not at risk of death from massive damage, but destroyed at 0 hit points or less. Darkvision 60 ft. Cannot be raised; resurrection works only if creature is willing. CHICHIMEC
Initiative: +7 Speed: 5 ft., fly 200 ft. (perfect) AC: 39 (+7 Dex, +22 natural) Base Attack /Grapple: +27/+39 Attack: Primary wing buffet +39 (2d6+12) melee Full Attack: 2 primary wing buffets +39 (2d6+12) melee, 6 secondary wing buffets +37 (1d6+6) melee, tail slam +37 (1d6+6 plus Cha drain) melee Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, summon air elemental, Charisma drain Special Qualities: Abomination traits, fast healing 10, SR 33, DR 10/ good and epic, electricity immunity Saves: Fort +22, Ref +22, Will +17 Abilities: Str 34, Dex 25, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 30 Skills: Diplomacy +14, Hide +37, Intimidate +40, Jump -3, Knowledge (religion) +31, Knowledge (the planes) +31, Listen +34, Move Silently +37, Search +31, Sense Motive +32, Spot +34 Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack Epic Feats: Blinding Speed (x 2), Epic Toughness Climate/Terrain: Any Organization: Solitary, pair, or flock (6-9) Challenge Rating: 21 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral evil Advancement: 28-38 HD (Medium-size); 39-50 HD (Large) An chichimec’s natural weapons are treated as epic and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATSpell-Like Abilities: Caster level 20th; save DC 20 + spell level. The DC is Charisma-based. At will - darkness, telekinesis; 3/day - greater invisibility, control weather, call lightning, lightning bolt, chain lightning, wail of the banshee. Summon Air Elemental (Sp): Three times per day a chichimec can summon an elder air elemental. Charisma Drain (Su): This effect permanently reduces a living opponent’s Charisma score by 2 points when the chichimec hits with a tail slam, or 4 points on a critical hit. The chichimec heals 10 points of damage, or 20 on a critical hit, whenever it drains Charisma, gaining any excess as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last a maximum of 1 hour. The attack allows a Fortitude save (DC 33)-on a successful save, only 1 point of Charisma is drained and the chichimec heals 5 points of damage. The DC is Charisma-based. Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; fire resistance 20; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. DREAM LARVALarge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 40d8+360 (700 hp)Initiative: +3 (Dex) Speed: 80 ft.; fly 240 ft. (perfect) AC: 52 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +40 natural) Base Attack/Grapple: +40/+60 Attack: Bite +56 (4d8+16)melee Full Attack: Bite +56 (4d8+16) melee, 1 gore +51 (4d6+8) melee, 4 pincers +53 (4d6+8) melee, 4 claws +53 (4d6+8) melee Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Worst nightmare, improved grab, sending, spell-like abilities, summon nightwalker Special Qualities: Abomination traits, sonic immunity, regeneration 15, fast healing 15, SR 44, DR 15/ Good and Epic or Lawful and Epic Saves: Fort +31, Ref +25, Will +29 Abilities: Str 42, Dex 17, Con 29, Int 16, Wis 24, Cha 36 Skills: Concentration +52, Craft (dreamweaving) +46, Diplomacy +60, Escape Artist +46, Hide +46, Jump +36, Knowledge (arcana) +46, Listen +50, Move Silently +46, Search +46, Sense Motive +50, Spot +50 Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Weapon Focus (pincers), Weapon Focus (gore), Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (claw) Epic Feats: Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus (pincers), Epic Weapon Focus (claw) Climate/Terrain: Any Organization: Solitary, pair, or solitary plus 1-4 nightwalkers Challenge Rating: 31 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always chaotic evil Advancement: 41-65 HD (Large); 66-84 HD (Huge); 85-110 HD (Gargantuan) A dream larvas’s natural weapons are treated as epic, evil, and chaotic-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATWorst Nightmare (Su): Each time a living creature first views a specific dream larva from a distance of 30 feet or less (or from a scrying effect), the subject sees the image of the most fearsome creature imaginable. This is not an illusion or phantasm; the dream larva truly becomes, for just that instant, the subject’s worst nightmare. Even if simultaneously viewed by dozens of different creatures, the dream larva appears differently to each one of them. Creatures immune to fear or mind-affecting effects (or warded by protection from evil or death ward spells) are immune to worst nightmare; all others must make a Will save (DC 43) or die from the supernatural horror revealed. Survivors (and those resurrected) are immune to the effect from that individual dream larva in the future. The DC is Charisma-based. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 31st; save DC 23 + spell level. The DC is Charisma-based. At will - fly, haste, nightmare, prismatic spray; 2/day - dreamscape (epic spell). Improved Grab (Ex): If the dream larva hits with a claw or pincer, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Dream larvae can use improved grab on a creature of any size. The dream larva has the option to conduct the grapple normally, simply use the claw or pincer to hold the opponent, or use sending (see below) on the opponent. Each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage listed for the attack that established the hold, unless it used sending on the victim. Sending (Su): Grappled victims may be physically sent into a nightmare, at the dream larva’s option, on the dream larva’s next action after establishing the grapple. Victims must make a Will save (DC 43) or be apparently swarmed by thousands of worms making up the dream larva’s body. The victim is actually cast into a shrieking maelstrom of dream where it can take no actions but observe. The victim physically returns 2d4 rounds later, apparently ejected from the dream larva’s body (but appearing even if if the dream larva has left or is otherwise absent). The victim of the nightmare has taken 4d6 points of temporary Wisdom damage, but is otherwise free to act on the round it returns. If the victim takes more Wisdom damage than it has points of Wisdom, the extra points are instead treated as temporary Constitution damage. The DC is Charisma-based. Summon Nightwalker (Sp): Five times per day, a dream larva can summon a nightwalker. Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; fire resistance 20; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. Regeneration (Ex): Dream larvae take normal damage from good or lawful weapons or weapons forged by a sleepwalking weaponsmith. HECATONCHEIRESHuge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 52d8+572 (1028 hp) A hecatoncheires’ natural weapons are treated as epic, evil, and chaotic-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATSuperior Multiweapon Fighting (Ex): A hecatoncheires fights with a greatsword or a boulder in each hand. The hecatoncheires does not suffer an attack or damage penalty for attacking with one hundred weapons. However, the press of limbs prevents the creature from making iterative attacks with any of its arms, nor can it make more than ten attacks against a Small or smaller creature, fifteen attacks against a Medium-size creature, or twenty attacks against a Large creature in the same action (it can make all its attacks against a Huge or larger creature in one action). Skills: A hecatoncheires’ fifty heads give it a +50 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 50th; save DC 17 + spell level. The DC is Charisma-based. At will - greater magic weapon, fly, shield. Summon Hecatoncheires (Sp): A hecatoncheires can summon one other hecatoncheires once per day, though is loath to do so because then it will be similarly obligated to answer its sibling’s summoning. A summoned hecatoncheires cannot use its summoning power while “summoned.” Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; fire resistance 20; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. Regeneration (Ex): Hecatoncheires take normal damage from good weapons or weapons tempered with the blood of a deity. INFERNALLarge Outsider (Evil) (Chaotic or Lawful) Hit Dice: 40d8+360 (680 hp) An infernal’s natural weapons are treated as epic, evil, and chaotic-aligned or lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATImproved Grab (Ex): If an infernal hits with a claw, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Infernals can use this ability on Large and smaller creatures. The infernal has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its claw to hold the opponent. Each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals standard claw damage, in addition to automatic spell suck damage. Spell Suck (Su): If an infernal bites a foe, the foe loses one of its highest-level prepared spells or one of the spell slots for this day that it has not used. The victim chooses the prepared spell to lose. If the victim has no prepared spells or unused spell slots (either because it has exhausted its spellcasting for the day or because the victim is not a spellcaster), the bite instead deals 2 points of temporary Intelligence damage. Learned Spell Immunity (Su): If an infernal is affected by a spell cast by a particular spellcaster, the infernal thereafter becomes immune to that spell when cast by that spellcaster. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 26th; save DC 19 + spell level. The DCs are Charisma-based. At will - animate dead, blasphemy, blur, charm person, create undead, darkness, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect chaos, detect good, detect law, detect magic, fear, fireball, greater dispel magic, hold person, greater invisibility, magic circle against good, major image, produce flame, polymorph, pyrotechnics, read magic, scrying, suggestion, symbol of death, telekinesis, greater teleport (self plus 1,000 pounds), unholy aura, unholy blight, unhallow, wall of fire; 1/day - fire storm, hellball (epic spell), implosion, meteor swarm. Summon Fiend (Sp): An infernal can summon four balors or four pit fiends per day (lawful infernals summon pit fiends, and chaotic infernals summon balors). Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; fire resistance 20; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. Regeneration (Ex): Infernals take normal damage from good weapons. Lawful infernals also take normal damage from chaotic weapons, and vice versa. PHAETHONGargantuan Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fire) Hit Dice: 62d8+806 (1,362 hp) A phaethon’s natural weapons are treated as epic and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATFiery Touch (Ex): Touching or being touched by a phaethon deals 2d6 points of fire damage. Fiery Overrun (Ex): A foe who is successfully overrun by a phaethon is treated as if swallowed whole. Improved Grab (Ex): If the phaethon hits with a pseudopod, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Phaethons can use improved grab on a Huge or smaller creature. The phaethon has the option to conduct the grapple normally, simply maintaining a pseudopod hold, or attempting to absorb the opponent by swallowing the foe whole. Each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage listed for the pseudopod. Swallow Whole (Ex): The phaethon can absorb opponents it holds with a second successful grapple check after a grab. The opponent must be Huge or smaller. Absorbed creatures take 20d6 points of fire damage and 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage each round they remain inside a phaethon. Victims must make a successful grapple check to “swim” free of the living magma of the phaethon. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 34th; save DC 24 + spell level. At will - fireball, fire storm, delayed blast fireball, flame strike, wall of fire; 1/day - scrying. Summon Elder Fire Elemental (Sp): Phaethons can summon up to ten elder fire elementals per day. Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; fire resistance 20; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. Oozelike Immunities (Ex): Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, polymorphing, and mind-influencing effects; not subject to critical hits or flanking; blind. Regeneration (Ex): Phaethons take normal damage from lawful weapons and cold-forged weapons, and double damage from cold or ice weapons. PHANELarge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Incorporeal) Hit Dice: 36d8+324 (612 hp) A phanes’ natural weapons are treated as epic, evil, and chaotic-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATSpell-Like Abilities: Caster level 21st; save DC 21 + spell level. The DC is Charisma-based. At will - detect good, detect magic, greater invisibility (self only); 5/day - haste, slow, greater teleport, tongues, trap the soul, true strike, unholy aura; 2/day - safe time, time duplicate (epic spell); 1/day - time stop. Stasis Touch (Su): As temporal stasis, except as an at-will supernatural ability. Caster level 25th; save DC 21 + spell level. The DC is Charisma-based. Chronal Blast (Su): As a standard action, the phane can make a ranged touch attack against any creature within 100 feet. If it succeeds, the subject is targeted by a spasm of space-time flux, dealing 15d6 points of damage. Time Leach (Su): For every round of apparent time experienced by the phane, it automatically absorbs the “future” from any creature it has successfully encapsulated in static time via its stasis touch (not its null time field), no matter the distance separating victim and phane, and no matter the number of victims. Of course, to the victim no time passes at all, but each apparent round experienced by the phane ages the victim 1d4 years, at the same time healing the phane of 20 hit points of damage. A victim who is not somehow released from static time by a friend who can cast dispel magic, greater dispel magic, or some other likely spell, eventually ages to death. Victims killed in this manner automatically fall out of static time as desiccated husks that disintegrate to a fine dust with even the lightest touch. Victims who are released prior to death immediately apply the physical effects of aging, but not the mental effects. Summon Past Time Duplicate (Sp): Once per day, a phane can summon a duplicate of one its foes stolen from a parallel alternate past. The stolen time duplicate has the same stats and possessions as the original, but is treated as if having two negative levels (which simulates a less experienced version of the original). The phane can never summon a past time duplicate of a creature with more than 25 HD (add sufficient negative levels to compensate for high foe HD, if necessary). The past time duplicate, despite having most of the knowledge of the original, serves the phane loyally like any summoned creature. If the past time duplicate is slain, the original is not harmed because the duplicate was pulled from a parallel past. However, the original does not necessarily realize this, and must make a Will save (DC 30) or be shaken for 1d4 rounds after witnessing the death of a duplicate for the first time. Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; fire resistance 20; cold resistance 20; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. Null Time Field (Ex): Phanes continually generate a 30-foot-radius spread null time field. All creatures and objects in the field, except the phane, must make a Will saving throw (DC 30) each round to take any actions. On a failed save, subjects are stuck in a static time stream until their next round of actions, at which time they must make another saving throw. While a subject is stuck in a static time stream induced by a null time field, the phane can use its static touch on the subject, though in all other ways, the subject is invulnerable to attacks and damage as if in temporal stasis. Time Regression (Su): If the phane spends an action per round for four rounds, at the end of the 4th round the phane regresses back in time 4 rounds, to the very 1st round it originally began concentrating on time regression. On its second pass through the time stream, it can take completely different actions, based on its knowledge of the future (though if it takes different actions from its first pass through the time stream, the events of the original time stream are also changed). Regeneration (Ex): Phanes take normal damage from holy and good weapons, and from weapons forged in the future or an alternate reality’s time stream (if any). XIXECAL
Initiative: +11 (+7 Dex. +4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 140 ft. AC: 58 (-8 size, +1 Dex, +55 natural) Base Attack/Grapple: +72/+116 Attack: Claw +95 (2d8+28/19-20) melee Full Attack: 2 claws +95 (2d8+28/19-20) melee, bite +89 (4d6+14) melee, stamp +89 (4d6+14) melee Space/Reach: 50 ft./50 ft. Special Attacks: Rend 4d8+42, cold, spell-like abilities, breath weapon, summon white dragon, Constitution drain Special Qualities: Abomination traits, cold immunity, fire vulnerability, dire winter, fast healing 30, regeneration 30, SR 48, DR 20/good and epic and adamantine Saves: Fort +55, Ref +47, Will +39 Abilities: Str 66, Dex 13, Con 40, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 34 Skills: Climb +103, Concentration +90, Hide -9, Jump +28, Knowledge (arcana, religion, the planes) +76, Listen +70, Search +76, Spellcraft +76, Spot +76 Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (claw), Weapon Focus (stomp) Epic Feats: Blinding Speed (x4), Devastating Critical (claw), Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus (bite), Epic Weapon Focus (claw), Epic Weapon Focus (stomp), Overwhelming Critical (claw), Spell Stowaway (greater invisibility) Climate/Terrain: Any Organization: Solitary or in the company of 1d4+1 old white dragons Challenge Rating: 36 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always chaotic evil Advancement: 73-150 HD (Colossal) A xixecal’s natural weapons are treated as epic, evil, and chaotic-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. COMBATRend (Ex): If the xixecal hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 4d8+42 points of damage. Cold (Su): A hit from a xixecal’s melee attack induces numbing cold. The opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 58) or be affected as though by a slow spell for 10 rounds. The DC is Charisma-based. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 36th; save DC 22 + spell level. The DC is Charisma-based. At will - blasphemy, cone of cold, desecrate, greater dispel magic, dominate monster, hold person, greater invisibility, unholy aura, wall of ice; 5/day - haste, meteor swarm. Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of cold, 300 feet, 3/day, damage 12d6, Fort half DC 61. The DC is Constitution-based. Summon White Dragon (Sp): Five times per day a xixecal can summon an old white dragon. Constitution Drain (Su): This effect permanently reduces a living opponent’s Constitution score by 4 when the creature hits with a slam, bite, or rend, or twice that amount on a rend or critical hit. The creature heals 20 points of damage (or 40 on a rend or critical hit) whenever it drains Constitution, gaining any excess as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last a maximum of 1 hour. The attack allows a Fortitude save (DC 58). The DC is Charisma-based. Abomination Traits: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, and other form-altering attacks; not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, or death from massive damage; immune to mind-affecting effects; nondetection; true seeing at will; blindsight 500 ft.; telepathy out to 1,000 ft. The standard fire resistance 20 most abominations have is not shared by xixecales Dire Winter (Su): A xixecal always stands at the center of a permanent dire winter (epic spell) spell effect. If dispelled, the effect returns 1 minute later- the only way to permanently remove the effect is to slay the xixecal that generates it. Regeneration(Ex): Xixecals take normal damage from Lawful weapons, and double damage from burning or fiery weapons. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||